WODS: February 2012

Wednesday, February 29 2012
Press: 1-1-1-1-1

Press: 1-1-1-1-1


Max Chin Over Bar Pull Up Hold

Max Kb Overhead Hold (24/16kg)

Max Farmer Carry (32/24kg) **10 seconds for each trip, cannot set the bell down**

*Score is total in seconds*

Tuesday, February 28 2012
Early Riser

5 Rounds For Time:

5 x Hang Power Clean

10 x Front Squat

15 x Box Jump

MAX CLEAN: Workout Weight:

>205 135

205-175 115

174-135 105

134-105 75

104-85 65

84-55 55

54-35 35

Joe L: 12:16 @135#

EZ: 11:12 @ 135#

White Lightning: 12:15 @ 135#

Preston: 7:34 @ 135#

Conor: 11:24 @ 135#

Dave: 11:02 @ 135#

Evan: 9:55 @ 135#

Mark: 11:56 @ 115#

Patrick: 11:24 @ 115#

Ben: 10:13 @ 115#

Chris: 8:38 @ 115#

Brad: 14:06 @ 105#

Tim: 13:40 @ 105#

Devin: 7:00 @ 105#

Chad: 10:38 @ 105#

Kevbot: 12:25 @ 105#

John: 11:00 @ 95#

Locke: 8:49 @ 75#

Micah: 9:24 @ 75#

Phil: 12:07 @ 75#

Colby: 10:45 @ 75#

Rebecca: 8:27 @ 75#

Barett: 12:30 @ 75#

Emma: 8:28 @ 75#

Will F: 11:10 @ 75#

Katelyn: 8:55 @ 75#

Jimmy: 11:24 @ 75#

Katie: 8:19 @ 65#

Melanie: 9:39 @ 65#

Phillip: 10:18 @ 65#

Jeffrey: 11:14 @ 65#

Andrew: 8:36 @ 65#

Tammy: 8:34 @ 57#

Nicole: 10:54 @ 55#

Carli: 8:58 @ 45#

Andi: 9:06 @ 45#

Amy: 12:00 @ 45#

Rachel: 13:16 @ 45#

Adina: 12:45 @ 45#

Julie: 11:25 @ 35#

Bianca: 10:02 @ 35#

Ethel: 8:25 @ 25#

Kristen: 14:35 @ 25#

Monday, February 27 2012


3 Rounds For Time:

400M Run

21 x Kettlebell Swing (24/16kg)

12 x Pull Up

Last Done: 12 SEP 11


Chad: 10:53

Jeff: 9:47

Katie: 10:21

Emma: 10:51

Rebecca: 14:12

White Lightning: 7:53

Preston: 7:45

Van: 11:36

Joe L: 9:30

EZ: 11:45

Mark: 11:12

Dave: 12:12 (+24 pullups)

Becca: 11:40

K10: 13:18

Katelyn: 10:44

Ryan: 13:52

Joe C: 13:53

Devin: 9:52

Chris: 10:15


Connie: 15:17

Phil: 15:41

Fil: 16:45

Colby: 12:47

Ethan: 12:52

Micah: 11:27

Locke: 11:23

Carli: 11:49

Will F: 12:27

Parker: 14:03

Marijane: 10:41

WAT: 13:10

Jimmy: 12:13

Amanda: 11:54

Melanie: 12:30

Amber: 13:14

Tammy: 12:20

Jana: 11:25

Jeri: 12:40

Kevbot: 11:39

Bianca: 13:07

Julie: 15:10

Joe B: 12:10

Patrick: 10:45

EZ: 10:35

Friday, February 24 2012
Open WOD 12.1

CrossFit Games Open WOD 12.1

7 Minute AMRAP:


** Target is 6 inches from hand outstretched overhead**

Adina: 80
Connie: 60
Micah: 70
Ryan: 62
Emily: 75
Rebecca: 76
Jeff: 95
EZ: 101
Kristen: 54
Tracy: 72
White Lightning: 110
Dave: 91
Becca: 80
Barett: 64
Kevin: 77
Julie: 55
Wat: 69
Andi: 66
Bo: 103
Katelyn: 81

Thursday, February 23 2012
Son of Gloin

7 Rounds For Time:

100M Sprint

10 x Deadlift (@45% 1RM)

20 x Lateral Jump

Last Done: 10 AUG 11

Chad: 8:20 @ 135#
Katie: 8:24 @ 80#
Emma: 11:00 @ 95#
Colby: 11:42 @ 135#
Ethan: 12:37 @ 135#
Phil: 12:43 @ 160
Rinko: 12:47 @ 65
Olivia: 11:36 @ 65
Kristen: 12:00 @ 65
Rebecca: 11:00 @ 110
Barett: 11:31 @ 85
White Lightning: 7:20 @ 160
Will F: 10:38 @ 110
EZ: 8:40 @ 135
EZ: 8:01 @ 115
Jimmy: 11:24 @ 125
Amanda: 9:05 @ 75
Amy: 15:35 @ 70
Nicole: 12:02 @ 75
Scott: 18:24 @ 145
Carli: 9:19 @ 45
Ethel: 9:36 @ 45
Jennifer: 13:40 @ 15
Kevin: 12:10 @ 80
Mark: 10:52 @
Bo: 8:12 @ 205
WAT: 13:03 @ 170
Jeffrey: 14:30 @ 65
Preston: 8:15 @ 205
Devin: 7:02 @ 137
Joe B: 10:28 @ 110
Bianca: 11:01 @ 45
Noel: 12:18 @ (Mod)
Adina: 10:04 @ 45
Julie: 15:10 @ 45

Wednesday, February 22 2012
Press 3-3-3-3-3

Press: 3-3-3-3-3

5 Minute AMRAP:
10 x Ring Push Up
10 x Toe to Bar

Tracy: 43 2+2 (Mod)
Connie: 45 2+17 (Mod)
Chad: 130 4+9 Rx
Phil: 145 3+7 (Mod)
Will F: 116 3+10 (Mod)
Jeff: 105 5+10 (Mod)
Emma: 65 2+17 Rx
Rebecca: 80 2+17 RX
Carli: 55 2+8 (Mod)
Ethel: 50 3+5 (Mod)
Kristen: 52 3+6 (Mod)
White Lightning: 145 5+14 Rx
Jeffrey: 85 2+9 (Mod)
Becca: 60 2+7 Rx
Amber: 50 4+10 (Mod)
Katelyn: 75 3+15 Rx
Amanda: 60.5 2+19 Rx
Van: 105 3+6 (Mod)
Eric: 115 5 Rx
WAT: 125 3+4 (Mod)
Bo: 155 3+12 Rx
Melanie: 65 3 (mod)
Ryan: 115 3+12 Rx
Colton: 95 3+6 Rx
Mark: 95 3+17 Rx
Jimmy: 105 3+5 (Mod)
Kevbot: 117 3+7 Rx
Joe C: 100 3+3 Rx
Devin: 123 3+12 Rx
Chris: 155 4+17 Rx
Katie: 3+10 (Mod)
Emily: 3+12 (Mod)

Tuesday, February 21 2012
10 Minute AMRAP:

5 x Wall Climbs

20 x Air Squats

50 x Double Under

Bo: 3
Katie: 3+11
Emma: 4
Preston: 4+25
White Lightning: 4+6
Conor: 4+3
Evan: 4+1
Mark: 3+56

Colby: 3+23
Ethan: 3
Micah: 3+62
Emily: 3+82
Olivia: 4+3
Fil: 2+41
Chad: 4+7
Andy: 3+98
Phil: 2+10
Rebecca: 3+75
Tracy: 2+90
EZ: 3+3
NateDawg: 2+38
Amy: 3+3
Scott: 3+73
Kevin: 2+30
Colton: 4+1
Amanda: 3+63
Jimmy: 3+15
K10: 3+48
Kevbot: 3+27
Melanie: 4
Bianca: 2+73
Patrick: 3+5
Adina: 3+4
Andi: 3+4
Wil: 2+35
Lindsey: 3+36
Julie: 2+87
Devin: 2+40

Monday, February 20 2012

4 Rounds for time:

Snatch (500/335)

Overhead Squat (1000/670)

9 x Pull Ups

**Snatch/Overhead Squat is total pounds to lift, you may modify the weight, just reach the total pounds each round**

Saturday, February 18 2012


Five rounds for time of:
22 Kettlebell swings, 2 pood
22 Box jump, 24 inch box
Run 400 meters
22 Burpees
22 Wall ball shots, 20 pound ball


Army Captain Dan Whitten, 28, of Grimes, Iowa, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died February 2, 2010, when enemy forces in Zabul, Afghanistan, attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device. Whitten is survived by his wife, Starr Whitten, his mother, Jill Whitten, his father, Dan Whitten, and his sister, U.S. Army Captain Sarah Whitten.


Colton: 55:40
Evan: 39:21
Preston: 32:26
Emma: 51:22
Devin: 43:40

Kevbot: 48:05
Van: 45:17
Brad: 56:44
Patrick: 43:40
EZ: 39:17
Katelyn: 46:57
Melanie: 47:10
K10: 44:07
Becca: 45:47

Friday, February 17 2012
Pickup Truck
7 Rounds:

7 x Front Squat (165/95)

7 x Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Joe A: 12:06
Joe L: 11:22
Preston: 7:21
Eric: 8:37

Micah: 11:42
Kristen: 15:41
Fil: 15:33
Chad: 15:42
Rebecca: 10:57
Emma: 12:50
Connie: 12:25
Parker: 12:25
Marijane: 12:25
Tracy: 10:55
Jeff: 11:10
Barett: 12:33
Tammy: 6:25
Scott: 11:40
Ben: 11:21
Chris: 10:59
Ethan: 8:58
Nicole: 8:50
Jeffrey: 10:45
Will F: 8:55
Van: 9:59
Bo: 6:56
Kevbot: 11:46
K10: 11:16
Andi: 9:01
Tim: 10:34

Thursday, February 16 2012
Sole Survivor

For Time:

Ring Dip
Box Jump (24/20)
Power Clean (95/65)

Chad: 8:16
EZ: 6:34
Preston: 4:48
Bo: 4:48
Conor: 6:08
Joe L: 7:20
Joe A: 6:16
Patrick: 6:44
Devin: 7:37
Chris: 6:48
Ryan: 10:45
Will: 9:50

Phil: 11:02
Olivia: 8:10
Fil: 10:13
Locke: 8:31
Colby: 10:40
Amy Smith: 9:27
Emma: 7:03
Amanda: 7:48
Rebecca: 7:05
Kristen: 8:43
Carli: 7:49
K10: 9:00
Kevbot: 9:16
Melanie: 7:21
Nicole: 8:58
Amber: 10:21
Barett: 11:24
Jimmy: 8:27
Amy: 11:15
Mark: 6:50 (pushups)
Noel: 7:32
Becca: 8:48
Brad: 12:00
Joe C: 9:50
Mike: 11:32
Joe B: 9:40
Bianca: 9:18
Julie: 9:11
Adina: 7:33

Wednesday, February 15 2012

Backsquat: 1-1-1-1-1


5 Minute AMRAP:
30 x Double Unders
30 x Situps

Emma: 145 3+49 Rx
Mark: 245 3+3 Rx
Chad: 225 3+52 (sng)
Tracy: 95 3 (sng)
Evan: 315 3+53 Rx
Rebecca: 235 3+50 (sng)
Bo: 415 3 Rx
Connie: 60 2+26 (sng)
Parker: 55 3+25 (sng)
Marijane: 25 2 (sng)
Preston: 330 4+16 Rx
Jeffrey: 205 2+10 (sng)
Eric: 265 4+10 (sng)
Tammy: 110 3+38 (sng)
Scott: 275 4 (sng)
Jeff: 205 4+42 (sng)
Melanie: 175 2+86 (sng)
Joe L: 320 3+50 Rx
Van: 195 3+39 (sng)
Jimmy: 205 2+2 (sng)
Amanda: 125 3+17 (sng)
Forrest: 245 3+53 (sng)
Will: 175 3+3 (sng)
Noel: 195 2+86 (sng)
Adina: 105
K10: 185
Kevbot: 275
Joe B: 175
Tim: 245
Devin: 255

Tuesday, February 14 2012
True Love

12 Minute AMRAP:

8 x Deadlift (155/105)

12 x Pull Ups

Katie: 6+11
Kevbot: 6+17
Emma: 6+6
Joe L: 8
Evan: 11+8
Chad: 7
Patrick: 8+3
EZ: 9+16
Conor: 8+3
Will: 6+1
Becca: 6+10
Kristin: 10+17
Ryan: 5+19
Devin: 8+12

Phil: 6+8
Fil: 5+10
Emily: 7+8
Colby: 5+1
Ethan: 5+8
Locke: 8+5
Micah: 5+7
K10: 6+11
Kristen: 7+13
Tracy: 7+8
Wil F: 6+14
Barett: 5+5
Jimmy: 6+1
Amy: 4+18
Tammy: 7+8
Lindsey: 6+16
Amber: 5+2
Melanie: 7+8
Nicole: 6+16
Kevin: 5+16
Amanda: 7+6
Andi: 6+13
Bianca: 8
Julie: 8+8
Bo: 7+13

Monday, February 13 2012

5 Rounds For Time:
7 x Backsquat (95/65)
9 x Push Jerk (95/65)
12 x Burpee

**No rack, and only the first jerk is allowed to come off the back.**

Chad: 11:04
Colby: 14:42
Locke: 12:58
Phil: 15:20
Melanie: 13:26
Tyler: 8:10
Conor: 8:44
Mark: 9:54
Colton: 12:04
Eric: 7:24
Patrick: 9:10
Amanda: 11:43
Bo: 7:34
Tim: 13:30
Joe C: 12:48
Chris: 9:23
K10: 9:42
Devin: 9:26
Rebecca: 9:16
Ben: 9:36

Micah: 15:10
Ethel: 11:57
Carli: 12:35
Will F: 13:30
Jeff: 12:46
Connie: 14:43
Parker: 15:21
Marijane: 14:30
Brad: 14:00
Van: 11:33
Amy: 15:11
Tammy: 10:26
Ethan: 12:42
Bianca: 9:48
Cody: 10:35
Jeffrey: 11:11
Joe B: 13:31
Julie: 11:18
Adina: 9:37
Jimmy: 11:17
Ryan: 12:57
Kevbot: 12:12

Friday, February 10 2012

5 Rounds for Time:

3 x Plate Push (10M)

10 x Ring Dip

10 x Wall Ball (20/14)


Joe L: 10:29
Chad: 11:20
Bo: 8:50
Conor: 9:54
Patrick: 12:36
Tim: 16:39
Mark: 11:59
Eric: 11:58
Tyler: 8:53 (+5:00 for breaking door)

Ethan: 16:53
Olivia: 16:07
Tracy: 16:38
Emma: 11:26
Rebecca: 13:36
Katie: 10:20
Jeff: 11:22
Marijane: 16:10
Parker: 12:54
Connie: 16:10
Amy: 16:17
Kristen: 15:08
Sam: 16:27
Ryan: 18:22
Jimmy: 11:22
Ethan: 14:22
Amber: 16:41
Nicole: 16:35
Kevin: 13:41
Bianca: 14:58
KevBot: 14:42
K10: 10:50
Annie: 15:10
Melanie: 12:42
Ethel: 16:02
Carli: 15:31

Thursday, February 9 2012

10 Minute AMRAP:

5 x Hang Squat Clean (95/65)

10 x Box Jump (24/20)

Emma: 9+5
Bo: 10+6
Amanda: 7+12
Rebecca: 8+6
Joe L: 8
Preston: 9+2
Katelyn: 8+1
Evan: 11+2
Melanie: 8+1
Sean: 10+2
Nicole: 6+5
Katie: 9+11
Colton: 9
Tyler: 9+5
EZ: 9+3
Kristin: 20
Joe C: 8
Chris: 8
Devin: 10+4
Patrick: 8+1

Colby: 7+1
Phil: 6+7
Olivia: 11
Locke: 8+9
Micah: 7+6
Tammy: 8+1
Will F: 7+3
Amy: 5+12
Ethel: 6+1
Lindsey: 6+8
Carli: 8+1
Sam: 5+7
Julie: 8+7
Adina: 6+5
Bianca: 6+9
Ethan: 6+1
Joe B: 6+3
Will: 6+5

Wednesday, February 8 2012
Monty Python
Press: 5-5-5-5-5


5 Min AMRAP:

3 x HSPU

5 x Chin Up

Mark: 95
Chad: 115
Olivia: 55
Tracy: 35
Emma: 60
Phil: 125
Rebecca: 75
Evan: 115
Carli: 52
Ethel: 35
Katie: 62
Jeff: 95
Connie: 45
Amanda: 55
Parker: 45
Marijane: 20
Tyler: 135
Preston: 155
Amber: 45
Conor: 125
Van: 85
Tammy: 53
Dave: 125
Kristin: 80
K10: 72
Kevbot: 105
Jeffrey: 75
Patrick: 125
Will: 105
Ben: 135
Forrest: 105
Katelyn: 75
Kevin: 95
Tim: 95
Devin: 115
Chris: 135
Joe B: 90

Mark: 7+2
Chad: 7
Rebecca: 5+1
Evan: 10+3
Katie: 5+2
Jeff: 5+2
Tyler: 10
Preston: 11
Conor: 10+1
Ben: 5
Forrest: 7+2
Dave: 9
Kevbot: 5+3
Patrick: 7
Kristin: 7+2
Tim: 7+1
Devin: 3+2
Joe B: 2+1
Chris: 9

Will: 7+2
Jeffrey: 3
K10: 4+1
Kevin: 7
Katelyn: 8+5
Bo: 5
Amber: 7
Van: 6
Tammy: 10+6
Marijane: 9
Parker: 8
Connie: 5
Ethel: 4+3
Carli: 6+3
Phil: 6+3
Emma: 3+1
Tracy: 7+2
Olivia: 5

Tuesday, February 7 2012
Jin Soo-Kwon


For Time:

50 x Air Squats
100M Run
40 x Situps
200M Run
30 x Kettlebell swing (24/16 kg)
300M Run
20 x Hand Release Pushup
400M Run
10x Burpee
300M Run
20 x Hand Release Pushup
200M Run
30 x Kettlebell Swing (24/16 kg)
100M Run
40 x Situps
50M Run
50 x Air Squats

Last Done: 1 AUG 11


Monday, February 6 2012

3 Rounds For Time:

10 x Deadlift (see chart)

50 x Double Under


**Sub 2x singles for Double unders


Emma: 5:21

Katie: 5:08

Tyler: 4:17

Preston: 4:07


Locke: 3:44

Colby: 4:09

Fil: 7:10

Olivia: 3:37

Phil: 6:06

Chad: 3:52

Tracy: 6:10

Becca: 5:29

Jeff: 5:08

Will F: 4:51

Connie: 5:46

Parker: 6:36

MariJane: 7:54

Amanda: 4:54

Scott: 5:56

Tammy: 5:40

Amber: 4:58

Eric: 4:41

Bo: 3:59

Becca: 6:43

Van: 5:35

Cody: 7:04

Dave: 4:00

Jeffrey: 11:01

Patrick: 5:22

Sam: 8:34

Kevbot: 4:12

K10: 5:39

Adina: 5:46

Devin: 6:05

Brad: 5:45

Joe C: 4:57

Joe B: 5:23

Saturday, February 4 2012


Michael Murphy

In memory of Navy Lieutenant Michael Murphy, 29, of Patchogue, NY, who was killed in Afghanistan June 28th, 2005.

This workout was one of Mike's favorites and he'd named it 'Body Armor.' From here on it will be referred to as 'Murph' in honor of the focused warrior and great American who wanted nothing more in life than to serve this great country and the beautiful people who make it what it is.

For Time:

1 Mile Run

100 x Pull Ups

200 x Push Ups

300 x Air Squats

**Partition as needed, if you have a 20# vest wear it.**

Dave: 38:41

Evan: 36:38

Tyler: 34:34

Van: 49:55

Jeremiah: 37:16

Preston: 37:56 (20# Vest)

Katelyn: 45:41

Amanda: 49:23

Kevbot: 52:25

Becca: 56:23

Emma: 46:23

Rachel: 52:47

Jeffrey: 58:00

K10: 56:19

Melanie: 52:09

Kory: 40:35

Liza: 61:04

Eric: 44:59

Fil: 61:30

Brad: 55:00

Mark: 44:15

Nicole: 53:37

Adina: 52:45

Will: 45:20

Julie: 48:50 (1/2)

Tammy: 46:22



Friday, February 3 2012

10 Minute AMRAP:
10 x Toe to Bar
10 x Box Jump (30/24)


Locke: 6+8

Katie: 6+5

Joe L: 8+2

Amanda: 6+9

Preston: 10+13

Joe B: 7

Chris: 7+17

Devin: 8+9

Jeremy: 9+1

Ryan: 5+15


Emily: 5+6

Micah: 5+4

Tammy: 7+1

Lindsey: 5+6

Nicole: 6+2

Eric: 7

Adina: 4+5

Melanie: 7+18

Kevin: 5+16

Jimmy: 6+10

Rebecca: 5+16

Bianca: 4+6

Friday, February 3 2012
Rav4 Magic

3 Rounds for Time:

15 x Ring Dip

20 x Backsquat (155/105)


Evan: 7:29

Forrest: 6:41

White Lightning: 8:17

Dave: 7:08

Devin: 7:21

Eric: 7:45

Kory: 3:06

Mark: 9:56

Jeremiah: 5:11

Joe L: 6:46

Preston: 4:23


K10: 9:20

Kevbot: 10:30

Tracy: 9:34

Chad: 12:10

Rebecca: 6:01

Katelyn: 5:56

Will F: 8:16

Jeff: 7:39

Emma: 7:46

Parker: 7:54

Connie: 9:00

Marijane: 9:00

Jimmy: 7:36

Tammy: 7:59

Amy: 11:53

Amanda: 11:59

Nicole: 9:53

Natedawg: 8:59

Van: 8:28

Liza: 7:44

Carli: 5:17

Ethel: 6:45

Wednesday, February 1 2012

Deadlift: 1-1-1-1-1


6 Minute AMRAP:

100 x Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

100 x Double Under


Emma: 225/196reps

Joe L: 360/109 reps

Tyler: 350/182 reps

Evan: 465/182reps

Chad: 300/92reps

Katie: 175/191 reps

Tammy: 150/110 reps

Jeff: 220/97 reps

K10: 215/100 reps

Preston: 395/1+19 reps

Mark: 315/131 reps


Tracy: 115/85 reps

Will F: 245/118 reps

Emily: 105/130 reps

Carli: 105/92 reps

Connie: 127 reps

Parker: 100 reps

Marijane: 70 reps

Rebecca: 245/104 reps

Melanie: 205/156 reps

Amber: 115/101 reps

Amy: 155/126 reps

Lindsey: 130/93 reps

Eric: 300/220 reps

Kevbot: 315/277 reps

Katelyn: 245/289 reps

Van: 305/175 reps


CrossFit Nashville

When was the last time you did something for the first time?