Benchmarks: Angie

For Time:

100 x Pull Up
100 x Push Up
100 x Sit Up
100 x Air Squat



Apr 16 2014
1. Joe Lynn: 18:59
Aug 21 2017
2. Brett Shoemaker: 20:26
Jul 07 2015
3. Van Robins: 21:54
Jul 06 2015
4. Sean Bellinger: 21:58
Jul 06 2015
5. Logan Young: 22:06
Aug 27 2012
6. Devin Murphy: 22:27
Jul 06 2015
7. James Horton: 23:30
Aug 23 2017
8. Lincoln Stemler: 26:03
Sep 08 2011
9. Colton Mulligan: 28:33
Jan 16 2012
10. Joe Boettcher: 36:42


Jun 12 2024
1. Phil Barnett: 23:50 [Blue banded pull up 10mins Pushups (sets of 3, 50 on knees) 5mins]



Aug 27 2012
1. Kristin Reffett: 15:10
Jul 26 2016
2. Katie Gregory: 22:43
Dec 16 2014
2. Rebecca Lipsey: 22:43


Aug 22 2017
1. Molly Fox: 25:53 [RR/knees]
Jul 26 2016
2. Shanley Deignan: 26:56 [Used green and blue band and knee push ups ]
May 10 2021
3. Lindsay Rogers: 27:21 [Red banded pull ups/push ups]
CrossFit Nashville

When was the last time you did something for the first time?