Athletes: Lindsay Rogers



May 10 2021
Angie: 27:21 [Red banded pull ups/push ups]
Jul 24 2018
Annie: 14:10
Jun 17 2019
Fran: 9:06
May 28 2018
Murph: 62:39 [Ring Rows, Pushups on Knees]
Apr 23 2019
Nancy: 18:43


Jun 07 2019
Back Squat: 220 lbs.
May 01 2019
Clean: 175 lbs.
Oct 12 2019
Clean & Jerk: 170 lbs.
May 10 2019
Deadlift: 285 lbs.
Jun 07 2019
Front Squat: 205 lbs.
Oct 12 2019
Jerk: 170 lbs.
Sep 17 2018
Overhead Squat: 85 lbs.
Aug 09 2018
Push Press: 110 lbs.
Sep 12 2018
Snatch: 120 lbs.


Apr 21 2018
5k Run: 36:02
Aug 02 2018
Max Box Jump: 41.75 in.
Oct 17 2018
Max Double Unders: 42 reps
May 11 2021
Max Pullups: 10 reps
CrossFit Nashville

When was the last time you did something for the first time?